::paint your heart out::

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

My friends have been taking painting classes downtown at Paint Along Studios, and I've been amazing at the paintings they bring home. Seriously. It's incredible what they do in a night with a canvas and acrylic paint {and limited painting backgrounds}. The concept is simple-- show up, with a bottle of wine if you'd like, and all the materials are waiting for you. The instructor paints at the front of the studio, showing you each brush stroke.

I've seen studios like these in other downtown areas, and I had to try it. Luckily, an upcoming painting was a peacock. I was thrilled because I've always been fascinated by these birds. I think the final product turned out pretty amazing for our whole group. And now it's hanging proudly, showing off his feathers, in my office.

peacock feather image via TOF


  1. this is fantastic. did you see my freaking peacock post last week? something's in the air...


  2. How cool! It also really looks like fun.


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