::niece #2::

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Another joy of being home is spending time with my three nieces. This is niece #2, protecting the cracker I was trying to steal from her mouth.

They are irresistibly cute in every way.

::this is (not) a wedding post::

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Well, maybe a little.

Even long weekends go by too fast. While Jay and I were home in Florida for Memorial Day, my mom and I snuck a peek at two different venues. Wedding ideas were thrown around and we even talked dresses. I'm so lucky to have my mom, sister and two sister-in-laws on my side to help me plan.

Nights were spent on the back porch sharing stories and surprise champagne toasts with my favorite people in the world. Family is the best. 

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::blog love // everyday musings::

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Most of the blogs I'm drawn to have beautiful photography that captures all the pretty, little details that many people may overlook each day: reflections, side roads, even beer garnish. Olivia's blog, Everyday Musings, does just that. And, I just love her simple blog branding.

::powering down::

Friday, 25 May 2012

In about 9 hours, I'll be in Florida! I'm so excited to spend the long weekend back home with my family. We purposefully didn't make any real plans and hope to lounge around sipping wine and sharing stories on the back porch. I've decided to leave my laptop behind for a much needed power down. Doesn't it feel good to just turn it off sometimes? It can't be healthy to look at a computer screen for so many hours a day. My eyes will thank me.

I hope you find some time this weekend to unplug. See you guys on Tuesday.  -christina

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::sepia style::

Thursday, 24 May 2012

I love these grainy, sepia-toned images from Daniel Kincaid styled by Amy of Refuses to Label. The simple, flowy off-white dresses aren't too bad either.

::rustic & industrial are good::

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Drooling over these incredible goods from Etsy shop, Reclaim

::a little bbq // party details::

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

This past weekend, Jay and I had a little BBQ in our backyard. The plants are growing like crazy back there: flowers, vines, herbs and shrubs galore! We picked up a few growlers from Beach Brewery and some microbrew variety packs. We even had little tasting cups for people to try the different varieties. Jay manned the grill and the food was a big hit too. 

This was our first time hosting since we moved to Virginia, so it was nice to get the group together and relax at home. I get so excited about all the little details of a party. Besides decorating with some of my vintage collection, I designed little signs. Feel free to click on them and print them out if you'd like...

: this one hung on the front door in case we didn't hear them knock :

: i spent more time picking out pretty plates, strands of lights and craft beer that i didn't bake a cake. but who doesn't like oreos? :

: this one accompanied the list of beers on the drink table :
: i prefer reds, but i don't discriminate :
: just a friendly reminder :


Tuesday, 22 May 2012

A couple weeks ago we ventured to Harrisonburg, VA for a graduation celebration.

The graduation party was held at one of the graduate's family farm. The 30 minute drive from the college took us miles away from any store and into the quiet farmland-- dairy farms, goats, and silver silos around every hilly corner. His dad built their house some 25 years ago; a quaint dark wood cottage-like home that sits nestled behind old oak trees. There are five houses on this farm, and they each share duties raising a few cows.

I'm so connected most of the time that I love getting away and thinking about a more simplistic lifestyle.

::cheerful color::

Monday, 21 May 2012

No doubt, orange is everywhere lately. I don't mind. In high school, I was the girl with the bright orange backpack. It's such a cheerful color that adds a lot of pop all around.

girl in greenhouse   /   artwork   /   bedroom   /   dress   /   smile   /   book

::a glimpse::

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Weekend strolls around Ghent, a flying octopus, vintage goods for market day, and thank goodness for engaged friends...I get their hand-me-down bridal magazines (Thanks, Kristen!). I guess I should starting thinking about a wedding. 

    follow 6 petals on instagram    

::to do list // may 16::

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

I'm a big fan of to do lists. What's on yours?



Sunday, 13 May 2012

I'm pretty convinced my mother is Superwoman...saving the world every day.

We're heading to Florida for Memorial Day and I'm so excited to spend a few days with the people I love most! There are times when I find myself acting like her or saying something that my mom would say– Jay's even called me out on it a few times. Believe me, I don't mind. In fact, I hope to be just like her.

I love you, Mom. You truly are THE BEST. Thank you.


Tuesday, 8 May 2012

For the month of May I've vowed to drink green juice everyday and live off {mostly} fruits & vegetables. No meat. This isn't an attempt to become a vegetarian/vegan, though I fully respect that lifestyle. It's a challenge to eat more healthfully. Green juice is surprisingly sweet and filling! Every morning I juice whatever I picked up from the produce stand: kale, cucumber, apples (granny smith and pink lady usually), celery, ginger, cucumber, spinach, oranges – in some combination. Along with a banana, this holds me over until dinner when we roast, grill, bake or steam fresh vegetables. Have you ever seen purple asparagus? When you cook it, it turn green. Here's to eating colorfully...

::portsmouth market day::

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Hey, Hampton Roads vintage vultures-- start your Cinco de Mayo with a little treasure hunting...

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