around the house

Thursday, 30 October 2014

This Halloween we'll be celebrating 2 years in our home. While we are perfectly content with everything, I can always find little projects to keep myself busy and make it even more special.

Baked (my first loaf!) of the best banana bread. It's my mom's recipe and the whole house smelled sweet for hours. 

This little ceramic air plant hanger is a cute addition to the plant window. 

Meet Frankie. This is my husband's cat (although he acts more like a little dog) and he's still a badass at 16 years old.

a few things

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Just some pretty little things that caught my eye recently. 

a much anticipated weekend at home

Thursday, 16 October 2014

My husband and I are in our late 20's. Like most around this age, we're celebrating engagements, weddings and babies of close friends and family members. It seems we have a party every weekend (can't complain about that!), and it's so special to celebrate with the ones we love most. However, this weekend's little calendar boxes are mostly empty, which means I can finally pick up that to-do list and nail out some house projects.

On the agenda: decorate rooms in the house that haven't had much attention, like maybe hang something in the guest rooms or set up little vignettes here and there. We have the "jam room" that I want to cover in pillows and plants. It's a small space that holds my husband's old drum set and friend's bring over their instruments for late night jam sessions. It's pretty fun! Maybe something like this...

And besides the never-ending cleaning and laundry, I have lots of stuff I want to make. You know, little storage solutions and wall decorations that make everything a bit more organized.

I also plan to dust off the old DSLR and get some of mine own photos back here on the blog. And I'd love to do a home tour once the house is ready! Here's to a productive weekend at home...mixed in with a few skydives, of course.

photos via Pinterest

the last 6 petals photoshoot

Thursday, 16 October 2014

The weather is starting to take a turn here in Virginia with cool, crisp breezes throughout the day. I can handle fall, but it's the forthcoming winter that has me worried. So let's take it back to early summer today.

Back in May (before I decided to close my vintage shop, 6 petals) I worked with Mary and Zoe on a bold, bohemian, beach wedding shoot. Kristen and I chose bold vintage outfits from the 6 petals vintage clothing collection. I tend to gravitate to more earthy and neutral tones. Kristen is more trendy and colorful, so I knew she could help style all the ladies with bright pops of color.

We gathered a handful of amazing people to play dress up, have some fun on Fort Story beach (check out those rocks!) and look good. They totally nailed it. All of the girls are wearing dresses from 6 petals, and we even found some vintage tops for the guys.

I also designed the invitation using a photo of the heart backdrop that Troy of OnieTonie created for us. I love how it turned out!

Looking back at these photos makes me miss my little vintage business. It was a good run, but I'm also happy to not have two jobs. I'm enjoying more time and adventures with friends, family and my husband.

photos by Zoe Grant

30 days // no social media

Monday, 13 October 2014

I've been thinking about doing this for a long time. Now, after talking about it with my sister-in-law who recently disconnected, she's given me the motivation to deactivate. So I'm joining her. She told me she's loving it. Mostly because she's finding herself appreciating small details she would have missed with her face glued to a phone, and she's experiencing more simple pleasures. Her husband (my little brother) never got on any of these platforms to begin with.

For me, social media includes the three I use-- Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (Pinterest doesn't count here because I don't socialize on it. I think of it as a digital magazine). I've deactivated Facebook and removed Instagram and Twitter apps from my phone. I will not be visiting them on the computer either. This is nothing life-changing, and who knows, maybe I'll hate it and be back in 30 days. Or, maybe I won't miss it at all and continue to stay disconnected.

If someone actually calculated the time I spend on these sites in a day I'd be sick to my stomach. It's easy for me to get my "fix" every 15 minutes because I'm at a computer designing for 8+ hours a day. I'll mock up a mobile app page, check Facebook, work on button styles, see what's new on Instagram. It's an addictive cycle that's been challenging my attention span and brings multi-tasking to a whole new level. There's a lot of comparing and wanting going on during the bottomless scrolling. Why does she get to travel to Tulum while I'm here working? I just NEED that $1,200 lounge chair! 

There is too much in my life to be thankful for, and I should stop to think about those things when I have an extra couple minutes. Or catch a sunset, go on a walk/hike, read an article about maintaining house plants, learn HTML and CSS, call an old friend to say hello, cook my husband dinner, stretch more, moisturize, plan a weekend trip somewhere new, make something, watch a documentary, paint...the options are ENDLESS!

My plan is to blog more during this time too. I miss writing. Today is day 1. I'm excited to see how this goes and what I'll discover in the next 30 days. Would you disconnect for a month? Have you done a social media shutdown yourself? I'd love to hear.

top photo by Eva Kolenko. bottom photos via Pinterest, mostly my adventure/carpe diem board
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