::it's here // BHLDN::

Monday, 14 February 2011

I spent the weekend in West Palm with my future sister-in-law for her bachelorette festivities and bridal shower. Everything was so much fun and I couldn't be happier my brother found such a wonderful soul mate. And, I got a glimpse of her beautiful wedding dress in the making {my mother is making her dress-- she does it all}.

In other bridal news, Anthropologie unveiled their new wedding brand, BHLDN {pronounced "Beholden"}, and of course it lives up to all the hype. I've been getting my sneak peaks via Oh! Joy {you can see Joy's part 1 and part 2}. They must have lost my sneak peek invitation in the mail...

all images from BHLDN

by the way...

Happy Valentine's Day.


  1. Love everything about this! Esp those lace gloves!

  2. I know-- if Anthropologie is behind it, how can it be bad!


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