
Monday, 31 December 2012

Thanks for the good times, 2012. And thank you for following along this year.


::4 days::

Friday, 28 December 2012

I"ll be spending the next 4 days tackling a loooong and neglected to-do list. Items include:
  • finishing & sending our Save the Dates
  • decorating bookshelves in the house
  • a few DIY projects
  • two logo designs
  • more wedding planning
  • listing shop items
  • sleep
and how about I get back to daily blogging. I sure miss that.

::how did that happen?::

Sunday, 23 December 2012

It's been quiet here on the blog, but life isn't the same. I'm not really sure how Christmas Eve Eve snuck up so quickly. My mind may still be in October!

image via here

::album art::

Sunday, 9 December 2012

I made the switch from Pandora to Spotify a while ago and haven't looked back. I love that I can listen to entire albums from new artists. When I'm designing for hours on end, I throw on my headphones and get in the zone. I'm not really sure how I came across Angus & Julia Stone, but I'm glad I did. I think I fell in love with their album cover first. You really can't go wrong with a classic photo with type and some handwritten details.


Monday, 3 December 2012

This space is so clean and simple. I'm not sure where I can find those light bulbs, but I will hunt for them. We've been really good about incorporating plants into the house because Jay is really into bonsai. Since we moved into our house, I've been looking at interior photos with a whole new perspective. Luckily, Jay and I didn't have lots of big furniture pieces to move, but now we're slowly trying to acquire key pieces that we love. Our space is really open, so it's neat to see how we can make the layout work. We ordered a beautiful sofa and next on the list is a dining table.

It's only Monday, but I can't wait until Friday. I have a great friend coming to visit this weekend (hurry up, N!), and I'm sure we'll end up doing some house shopping. She's done amazing work on her new home so I'll be picking her brain.
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