::project restyle // hold those scarves::

Friday, 5 August 2011

Let's wipe those cobwebs off the ReStyle posts and get down to business, shall we?

This one is a no brainer. I picked up the trellis for $4 at the hardware store (aka Lowe's). I kept the two posts on the bottom in case I found a neat way to display it. And now that I think about it, I could paint it, but I like the look of natural wood. For now, the pretty scarves hide the posts as it hangs on the wall. And, how about all the color it brings to a blank wall? I'll call it art.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it......I have my scarves on an old ladder in my bedroom...and I love thati get to look at them instead of hiding them away ....they do slide off though.....would love to try this.


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