::labor of love::

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

You guys remember the sneak peek of the project I'd been working on? Well, after all the chemicals, labor and sweat...it's finished and sittin' pretty in the living room.

Here's the story:
I'd been searching the local thrift, consignment and antique stores for quality furniture for our new place. J called me on a Friday telling me he'd found a furniture/antique warehouse he wanted me to check out (he does love me). You know that show American Pickers? I was exploring this huge warehouse with all sorts of rooms completely filled with stuff. I'm talking piles of chair legs, desks and tables stacked to the ceiling and mounds of old, metal ceiling tiles. With flashlight in hand (as some rooms weren't lighted), my eyes caught beautiful cast iron wheels under a heavy pile of old assembly line tracks. 

It was an old industrial factory cart. I had to see it (and have it). The owner even threw in one of those metal ceiling tiles, on the house.

I knew it'd be a labor of love and need some TLC. I'd never refinished such a large piece, but I was hooked. 

After about $100 in supplies, 4 sessions of stripping paint, sanding, staining, more sanding, sealing and scrubbing cast iron...

I love everything about it-- the lettering on the iron and wood, imperfect wood planks and the way it sounds when it moves around on those wheels. 


  1. love it! You did a beautiful job!

  2. i love how you converted this cart! it's so pretty!

  3. I've wanted one of these for awhile. You're so lucky you found one! Great job on the restore!

  4. WOW! This is a beautiful piece! love it.

  5. Very cool! You did a beautiful job. I'd love it if you'd link this up to my Home and Family Friday linky party!



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