::florida on my mind::

Thursday, 15 November 2012

By this time tomorrow night, I'll be hanging out with my little sister! It's been 6 months since I've been home and it's really all I've been thinking about since Monday. My favorite thing in the world is spending time with my family. There will be antique hunting (mostly for wedding decor) and early Thanksgiving dinner and a few wedding meetings thrown in there. June 1st will be here before I know it, and I should probably start making some big decisions. Like, maybe a dress?


  1. where is Florida are you from? I'm a Florida gal too. Ft. Lauderdale is what I call home. If you're from the area, I suggest Miracle Mile in Coral Gables for wedding dresses

    1. Yes, I'm a Florida girl. My family is in Palm City (about 1 1/2 hours north of Ft. Lauderdale). If I get further down South Florida, I'll have to check Miracle Mile out for sure. Thanks for the tip, Maddie!

  2. So great! I hope you have a great time with the fam! Oh, and what type of dress are you into? I suggest a big ol' pinterest board of dresses.

    I'm finally back in the blogging action and visiting the faves! Hope you're well. :)


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