::changing habits::

Sunday, 3 June 2012

On May 1st I began a vegetarian diet. It all started with a handful of Netflix documentaries that left me feeling rather nauseous. So, each morning started with green juice. To my luck, Fruitive just opened in Virginia Beach...where I finally tried beet juice. And liked it.

A couple months ago I found myself with a bag of Funyuns...yes, Funyuns! Embarrassing. After a long career in various sports through college, I've become so sedimentary. Most of my playing these days happens in Photoshop. However, lugging around loads of vintage goods to Market Day is considered a workout in my book. But something needs to change. Before I had a j-o-b, I was active daily. Now, this is where the excuses pile up, "I'm too tired" "My friends are having a dinner party" "I need to brush my hair". This past weekend, my friend took me to hot yoga. I'd taken a hot yoga class during a trip to Costa Rica years ago, but this time it was rough. It's like I didn't know my own body. But I'm hooked, and I can cross this one off my to do list.

I've acquired poor eating habits since I left college. Shouldn't that happen IN college? When we were younger, my parent's rarely had soda in the house (if ever), fast food wasn't commonplace, and we were fortunate to have home-cooked family dinners at the table every night. My mom is Superwoman. This is a venture back to that. Back to the healthy habits I learned at an early age and hope to pass on to my children.

The month wasn't completely meatless. I couldn't resist my grandfather's steak sandwiches that my dad grilled up over Memorial Day. I don't regret it.

*I didn't intend on getting so lengthy here. I'm motivated and becoming passionate about this. What do you practice to stay healthful? 

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  1. thats awesome girl! I totally get you, I want to get in the happy healthy habit!

  2. Yay! Good luck & this is so great. See you in 5 days!


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