::stylish space::

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

I took a page right out of Anne's book with a little style to room inspiration and paired some stylish pieces with inspirational spaces. From looking at my closet and my home, you can definitely tell they belong together.

All of these colors and patterns make me so happy. 

{I'm getting this in writing so I can hold myself accountable...}
After such a pretty art festival and a few weekends of mini-shopping sprees, it's time to put myself on a little spending freeze. Pinterest, among all the beautiful blogs I follow, makes it incredibly difficult not to create a list of wants a mile long. Lately I've been working on lots of contract design work. That means a lot of sitting at a computer screen. How do you other designer gals find time to keep your figure? I'm afraid this means I need to get up early to get a run in before the work day starts. Let's just say I'm not a morning person. But something's gotta give. 

Here's to saving and getting healthy.  

PEACHY PINK //  1  2
FLORAL //  3  4
AQUA //  5  6

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