::give me sunshine::

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Not that these really exist anymore in the "real world." I'll be participating in Spring Break-esque activities this weekend. Sun, pool, skydiving, bbq, camping and a few alcoholic beverages. I'll be wearing those Ray-Bans up there and my fav lip gloss.

Take a "break", too.

1 / sandals - Anthropologie
2 /
sunglasses - Ray-Ban
3 /
lip gloss - Kiehl's
4 /
floral suitcase - 6 petals


  1. OMG I LOVE that suitcase :) so cute!

  2. I love those sandals and that suitcase is awesome!!! I have a set that looks similar-it's a vintage Neiman Marcus set that I scored for $25 at a yard sale :) I love them!


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