::recap: winter haven market day::

Monday, 4 October 2010

6 petals made it's debut at Market Day this weekend. It's a very new event to the city and much needed. It's an older, agricultural town that's reluctant to change due to the older powers that be. Luckily, there are many young, educated, and talented people making their mark and switching the tides of "how things have always been done". Young entrepreneurs are popping up and making their voice heard, which make me smile.

Things just seemed to work out serendipitously (vocabulary word of the day) on Saturday. The weather was incredible. The artists were in a cover breeze way to which customers claimed I had the "best spot". I couldn't agree more-- the cool breeze lasted the entire day! All the local favorites were there with their goodies: R & R Chutney, Noble Juice, and Lasater Flowers & Gifts. Local farmers were selling their delicious fruits and vegetables, so of course I stocked up on avocados, and sipped on a carrot, beet, and celery smoothie. Just being at the market makes me feel healthier.

Shop update: the online shop has run into some speed bumps. But have no fear, 6petals.com will be up and running shortly. Thanks for your patience and keep spreading the love.

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