::i want to sleep outside::

Friday, 8 October 2010

Cheers to a relaxing Friday night. I met up with some friends at Lake Mirror for Pics on the Promenade, and it was one of my favorites: Hook. Such a good flick. We caught ourselves quoting most of the movie (not J, he was sleeping after a Von Shroom burger at Chop Shop).

This weekend I'll be heading east for hiking and camping. It's a primitive campsite only accessible by boat, so we're hoping to see all sorts of Florida's native wildlife. The best part about camping is having really great equipment. When we were little, my siblings and I could have cared less about the preparation. We were too excited to fish and eat s'mores. Now, older and more conscious of comfort, it's essential to have the right stuff:

  • A great hiking backpack. I use this one, designed specifically for the female body and there are so many hidden pockets that make for great storage.
  • An air mattress is crucial and will be worth every penny. You never know what to expect when you set up camp. You cross your fingers for a nice soft clearing, but sometimes life gives you stones, sticks, and pine cones. Luckily, I have this little guy.
  • Last, but certainly not least, the tent. I bit the bullet last year and bought J this MSR tent. It's light as a feather, packs up to the size of a loaf of bread, and sets up in 2 minutes.
  • Other items to consider: camping pots & pans (don't forget the stove), portable shower, and of course, a bottle of wine (or two).

all images courtesy of weheartit

What kind of adventures are you getting into this weekend?


  1. A portable shower!!! That's cool. My husband and I have NEVER gone camping together in the three years we've been together. We're thinking it's hopeless at this point.

    CLOTHED MUCH, a modest fashion blog

  2. How lucky are you to get to go camping...I'm with Elaine!!! My husband have yet to go camping together and we've been married nine years!

  3. I highly recommend it, of course. Very relaxing, scenic, and the weather is perfect for it in Florida.

    Thanks for the comments, girls.


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