::recap: psc's fallfest::

Sunday, 17 October 2010

6 petals spent this past Saturday at Polk State College's 23rd Annual Fallfest. With an estimated 10,000 visitors, this event is a full day of crafts, kid's activities, and local demonstrations on the campus. I was excited to show off some new items. After setting up the booth, the day started. Shopper and vendors had been lining the walkways for long before the "official" 9am start. A special thanks to everyone who visited 6 petals at Fallfest.

Here are some pictures from the day:

I also took some shots of Fallfest's Best Dressed shoppers! Luckily, they didn't object after I chased them down with a camera :)

You can't tell from the picture, but she had the cutest sushi hair barrette, and I love the cuffed jean and flats

Looking so cute with baby in tow...gray booties and a earth-toned scarf perfect for Fall

Seriously loving her style...and his too! Lovely shoulder bag, olive green sneakers (and scarf to match) add a great pop of color to the blue ensemble.

...maybe not Best Dressed, but who can resist an adorable puppy?

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