
Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Soon after college I realized I enjoyed creating the art for advertising...not selling advertising or media buying. So, why not start my own graphic design company? Okay. CreativeFreedom was born. I've been lucky to work with a hand full of clients on a wide range of projects: billboards, a newlywed cookbook, Christmas self-mailer, business cards, posters, etc.

Recently, I put together some art for a community event downtown. It involves beers and bratwursts-- how could I resist?!

Get ready for some polka!


  1. These look amazing. As does Oktoberfest. With your graphic design powers and my love of marketing, we could start something here :) By the way I love your blogroll...A Cup of Jo is one of my favorites!

  2. Hmm, I think you're on to something, Elle. You've got me brainstorming more and more ideas for 6 petals. If my day-job didn't take up so much of my time, my online store would be up and running. Ugh, but SOON! Don't be suprised if I come knocking on your door-- er, blog :)

  3. This is a great article thanks for sharing this informative information. I will visit your blog regularly for some latest post.

    Creative Graphic Design Company in Mumbai


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