::one step closer::

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

1970's vintage zen floral tin

1970's vintage new world floral tin

ride 'em cowgirl pink boot

vintage silver compact with mirror

gold leaf sage vase

vintage mahogany Jordache handbag

emblem tin in deep blue

emblem tin in violet

teal floral checkbook & notepad with gold pen

red rose locket & necklace

golden leaf brooch

jar of pearls necklace

1970's laughing 'shroom penny bank

Finally. After much anticipation, your first true glimpse of 6petals-- and there's still so much more. I've taken some time to play around with Blogger and I'm now utilizing Google Picasa web albums to upload my photos. It also offers a great storage facility for all my images.

The online store will be up shortly*. Sorry for the delay you guys, but life happens. Bachelorette parties, birthdays, and my day job really gets in the way of things :)

I'm so happy to be sharing this with everyone. Thanks for stopping by!

*In case anyone is interested in any of the items, feel free to leave me a comment for now with your email address.


  1. these pictures are fantastic! <3

  2. I want it all! I am especially diggin' the 'jar of pearls necklace'. I agree with the comment above, the pictures are fantastic. I love how you incorporated your number, like a subtle signature. Your creativity and talent for this is so apparent. I cannot wait for the website to officially launch.

  3. These photos are amazing! I just stumbled onto your blog and I have total blog envy!

  4. Well, L. I'm glad you stumbled this way. Thanks for the comment!


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