::bling blang::

Friday, 3 September 2010

WANTED: This top

If anyone knows the whereabouts, holla at your girl. This weekend is my first bachelorette party and the theme is 'bring on the bling'. Julia is the first one to take the plunge into wedded bliss out of my high school gang. The type of gang that met in sketchy places like a classroom for secret/SGA meetings and frequented the dangerous streets of Martin County. She marrying another "gang" member who liked it and put a ring on it.

I really have no idea what to expect. It's in Charleston, so leave all the Las Vegas imagery out of it-- no tigers in the bathroom or babies in the closet (well...). The bling-y theme is especially convenient given all the love for sequins this season (here, here and here). Who knew sequins would make such a comeback?! Either way, I welcome the extra sparkle. How should I prepare for this occasion? I'm thinking about dusting off the ol' BeDazzler and high waisted jeans (yea, I know, I wish I had a BeDazzler too). I want to be "blinged out" but still look classy & keep my look without spending too much. I need a way to incorporate diamonds galore with hippe/street style. Luckily, I have fellow bloggers that I can count on:

p.s. Don't forget to ship the WANTED TOP overnight because the party is Saturday. Ok? Thanks.

p.s.s. This sexy, yet classy, floral number in black is for the bride-to-be (hopefully she's too busy preparing to read today's post). Gotta love BJ.

images courtesy of wehearit

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend, friends.


  1. I wish I could ship you my pants... Remember... the ones I woreat wiffle keg:) --Linda

  2. Um. Yes. I am so with you. I want that top!

    HOpe you have fun at the party :)

    clothed much, a modest fashion blog

  3. i can't get over all the sparkles this fall. in love!


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