::weekend preview::

Saturday, 17 September 2011

It rained a full 24 hours here. Although, it was kinda nice to be indoors with the windows open to listen to it fall. You gotta appreciate the little things, that's what weekends are for. I enjoyed doing "nothing" (sleeping 'til 10, dishes, laundry, vacuuming + and lots of lounging on the couch with J-- A wild Saturday night at my house).

We recently put together a fun, little photo shoot featuring vintage home decor from the shop. Here's a preview...

More to come and a shop update this week, too.

1 comment:

  1. You had my kinda weekend. Getting out in the throngs of people is overrated. We had some great overcast skies which made for a LOT of cookie baking and laundry. Perfect for fall!



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