::do it yourself // yellow utensils::

Wednesday 28 September 2011

You may have seen this picture (or one like it) running around Pinterest. This was on the top of my "to make list" and I love how they turned out. Now, I'm on the lookout for a set of jars so they don't have to hide in a drawer.

I found this set at a local thrift store for like $5. The floral pattern on the handle sold me. All it takes is a set of silverware, spray paint, painter's tape + clear spray sealer. I chose a mustard yellow color that works well with everything I own. 

Prepping was the time consuming part. Wrapping each top with painter's tape is easy, but being a perfectionist, I wanted to make sure the tape lined up evenly on each side. Two coats of paint + sealer later, I unwrapped them like it was Christmas. 

On to the next project!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. awesome!! this would be so fun to do for a fancy christmas party, i am def going to have to remember this one :] thanks!

  3. I am trying this too. What a great idea for an outdated set of silverware!

  4. This is such an awesome DIY! I LOVE it!


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