
Thursday, 30 December 2010

In the midst of a changing year, it's important to remember everything that 2010 had to offer. I'm eager for 2011 to bring motivation and a fresh, new face as I continue to pursue my passion, explore the world, and share new experiences with the ones I love (new and old). Due to life's many circumstances, I wasn't able to share enough of 6 petals. This blog has been an outlet for inspiration and learning. I'm so grateful to have found others that share a love for vintage, graphic design, creativity, nature, style, entrepenuership, interior design, and handmade crafts-- there's so much talent! Through various shows and events, 6 petals is so thankful for all the support this year and lucky to have met such great people in the process.

I'm very thankful. Thanks, 2010. Hello, 2011! Dear readers, I hope you'll stick around for what the new year brings :)

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