lovely locks

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Let's get a little superficial and talk about hair. I'm very low-maintenance when it comes to styling. You can find me pressing the snooze button instead of waking up early for a decent blow out with volumizing mousse. That being said, the key is simple. A great cut that allows for air dry days and color that I can manage and maintain without many trips to a salon (because damn, does it get expensive). Though I often dream of pulling off that perfect platinum like Gwen.

Now, is this ombre trend still in? Was it so 2014? I may have missed the boat, but it does allow for natural hair color with some fun, brighter color, too. And then there's going darker. Or maybe mixing a little of both? Or do an auburn hue...I've never ventured into reds.

I've done some darker browns before, but they tend to fade to light brown/dark blond rather quickly. My natural color is more of a dark blonde, which is too in between. Plus, it's always fun to change it up, and I love when people play with my hair.

images via Pinterest

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