::making a house a home::

Sunday, 10 February 2013

We've been in our home for almost 4 months now. Luckily, we've been able to acquire a couple big pieces (like this sofa -- oh, Restoration Hardware!) that we love. I started a secret board on Pinterest to hold a handful of special images that I'd like to recreate. And since it's not just my home, it's important that Jay can get behind it too. Here are a few things I've been itching to do lately to make our house OUR HOME...

1. hanging plants in windows
For some reason, I can't stop buying plants. We have a window box in our kitchen that's quickly filling up. But I love the idea of hanging them in a window. The string of pearls plant is perfect for this.

2. painting two thirds of the wall
All of the walls in our house are a creamy white. We also have a lot of wooden panel walls. I'm excited to add some color and I really like this treatment to make the ceilings look even higher.

3. finding the perfect little tree holder
I picked up a cute fiddle leaf fig for the corner of the living room. As you can see, he needs a decorative  holder/pot. I'm all about the vintage pottery, so it'd be awesome to stumble on an old ceramic piece at the thrift store.

4. light fixtures
Jay and I were talking about this tonight. Most of our house has recessed lighting, which is nice, but I love pendant lights and decorative lamps. I think lighting plays a huge part in a home with style and ambiance. This one from Anthropologie would be nice.


  1. love love love those pale pink walls...Debra

  2. This is such great inspiration!
    Jillian - http://epic-thread.blogspot.com


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