
Monday, 3 December 2012

This space is so clean and simple. I'm not sure where I can find those light bulbs, but I will hunt for them. We've been really good about incorporating plants into the house because Jay is really into bonsai. Since we moved into our house, I've been looking at interior photos with a whole new perspective. Luckily, Jay and I didn't have lots of big furniture pieces to move, but now we're slowly trying to acquire key pieces that we love. Our space is really open, so it's neat to see how we can make the layout work. We ordered a beautiful sofa and next on the list is a dining table.

It's only Monday, but I can't wait until Friday. I have a great friend coming to visit this weekend (hurry up, N!), and I'm sure we'll end up doing some house shopping. She's done amazing work on her new home so I'll be picking her brain.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited to see you tonight. I already check into my flight and they gave me an aisle seat. Thank goodness.


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