::DIY clothing rack::

Monday 30 January 2012

On Saturday, I'm doing my first antique show in Virginia. I'll be showing off much of my collection: restyled furniture, vintage home decor, antique goods, vintage dresses + bags, handmade jewelry and wall art. There's lots of unique stuff that hasn't been listed in the shop (yet).

I've been needing a clothing rack to display the dresses and I found a great idea here to do it myself. Yesterday J and I gathered all the supplies at the hardware store and started building. It's all various metal plumbing/piping supplies. Some pieces we couldn't find in black iron, so we went with galvanized steel. The mix-matched looks pretty cool. We set it up outside and it's just perfect. The industrial look is exactly what I wanted. Plus, it's slim and sturdy. Here's the assembly process...

thanks for the video, J. music by Phish


  1. This is such a great idea! Thanks for sharing, I'll definitely be showing this to my husband and hopefully getting him to take a trip with me to the hardware store. I love how you videoed the process.

  2. I have been wanting to make something similar to this for the laundry room but maybe have it hang from the ceiling. Great idea! Love the video.

  3. You can use them in the laundry room and then move them wherever you want. As for the style they feature, it all depends on your preferences.

  4. I was googling today "rustic clothing racks" for my new shop (we are moving next week) and your blog came up!!!! I hope all is well!!! Hope you and Jay are doing fantastic! xo


    1. Haha, that's awesome! Congrats on your new shop location. Hope your wedding planning is going well :)


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