::cheers to a new year + outlook::

Saturday, 31 December 2011

Things are about to get personal, people. And maybe a bit sappy. You've been warned.

I spent a lot of time over Christmas thinking about things. Really thinking about things– what I want to do, where I want to go, how/who/what I want to be. Lots of life changing events have been happening this month: friends getting engaged, friends having babies, and a loved one in the hospital with lots of complications. I guess this makes me think about the stage of life I'm in now and question everything. I'm so grateful for my family and having people around me that make me better. I could use so many cliches right now that would apply to all this stuff. Life is short. Carpe diem. I want to accomplish so much more. Since graduating from college I've been in this awkward middle stage– jumping between rental houses + apartments, dabbling in freelance + a small business, working full-time with a couple unstable companies (gotta pay off those student loans), moving to a new state and living with my boyfriend. I've spent a long time comparing myself to other 20-somethings. It's so easy to envy certain people and material items and  have an ever-expanding list of wants when you scour other blogs, Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook.

It's been hard for me to find the right motivation. But this is the year. I guess you can call it soul searching, but I've learned that I can't do everything and it's okay to ask for help. I've found my niche in vintage + graphic design. It's what I enjoy and what I'm passionate about. I have this vision for what I want a brick and mortar shop to look like. I want to grow this little business I've created into something very special and more REAL. I'll be sprucing up my website, blog + shop with some help from creative professionals. There are lots of incredibly talented artists, photographers and designers around here that I want to connect with and build a little network of creatives. I've been possessive with 6 petals, but now I want to share it and see how others can help me build it.

This year I'll be writing down my resolutions (inking them on paper solidifies it, right?) and crossing them off will feel incredible. Getting healthy, various adventures, business-related goals and positive lifestyle changes top the list.

So let's enjoy the last bit of 2011 to the fullest and make 2012 even better.

1 comment:

  1. 2012 is going to be your year! I just know it :) I am adding to your list: visit your FL loves more.


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