Monday, 28 November 2011

Hi. I'm another one of those vintage junkies. I decorate with antiques, retro + industrial items, I wear old worn-in leather boots and put flowers in my hair. And, you can find me over at 6 petals. Thanks, Jill, for letting me share some vintage love.

Adding vintage touches to your closet and home can be simple and inexpensive. Some of my favorite things are found in flea markets, yard sales + antique fairs. The trick: you have to hunt for it. There are so many amazing things just waiting to be loved. See that big coffee tin up there? I have tons of vintage tins and use them for storing all sorts of knick-knacks – way better than plastic bins. Find new ways to utilize old pieces: add a brooch to your headband, wrap a gift in vintage fabric or turn an old window into a seating chart.

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