lately (in black + white)

Monday, 23 February 2015

With frigid temperatures (I know, I know– everyone is complaining about the cold) around Virginia Beach, I've been spending much of my time inside. Week nights and weekends at the house are a nice treat that we often miss during the summer months when we're off camping, traveling or playing in the sky. I'm finding that I can indeed cook, and the results are usually tasty. Plus, it's pretty enjoyable to chop ingredients and sauté vegetables with the one you love.

Eating like a queen. For our first Valentine's Day, Jay made Beef Wellington. It's now become a tradition, and 8 years later it's still going strong.

It's a jungle in here. Our outdoor plants and bonsai have been inside for a few weeks due to below-freezing nights. Not pictured: more plants taking over our dining room table and bench. And floor. And kitchen counter.

Linen sheets. One of my favorite things making it extra difficult to get outta bed.

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