::outta town + a moving sale::

Friday, 17 June 2011

Remember when I said I had some exciting news? It's true, if you think moving to Virginia is exciting.

I do!

I've been hinting about it on Twitter and doing what I can to prepare. We're filling up J's covered trailer and packing our cars to head north-ish the end of this month. June is absolutely flying by. We've been spending most of this month having some lots of fun skydiving, exploring, camping and visiting family and friends all over Florida. Most of my family is here, which means we'll be back often.

Here are some shots of our most recent adventure to Melbourne:

The thought of moving out of state away from my family is rough, but I'm also eager to set out on this new adventure {I'll always be a Floridian at heart}. Of course, the actually move is never fun. So, we'll be making a stop at the cabin in Gatlinburg, TN for the 4th of July to spend some time in the Smoky Mountains. 

Any Virginia bloggers out there?

With exciting news come MORE exciting news. 6 petals {the shop} is having a MOVING SALE. Now's the time to get your hands on the vintage goodies you've been eyeing. It doesn't hurt to look.

just enter the coupon code MOVING2VA during checkout to get 30% off any item in the shop.

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